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Appetites ..." Sir replied. "Does she have any hard limits?" Mistress asked. "Not that I have ever reached, but then our tastes are somewhat different. What about Gabrielle? How is her training coming along?" "The most natural I have ever come across. And believe me, I have cum across her a lot," said Mistress with a conspiratorial twinkle in her eye. Sir laughed. "As you know Sir Vincent, myself and most of the ladies in this establishment are lesbians. There is no male presence here under normal circumstances, and my subs are not allowed to fraternise with men except under my express command. If you wish I can give that command to Gabrielle for the evening." "That would be very much appreciated, thank you. Ultimately it is your house, so your rules. However it would be somewhat unfair if you were to enjoy the fruits of my submissive without allowing me to enjoy the fruits of yours. Speaking of which, how is Ingrid? I haven't seen her for the past two days." "To be honest, she's. He saw several private planes parked there. Soon, like the bags, he was led aboard & placed in a small room. Before the door closed he saw two young frightened blacks being led past by two tall White Amazons. One of them, over six feet tall paused at his room & with a smile that made Kevin's spine grow cold & his nut sack trying to ascend into his body, shut his door leaving him alone.Minutes later they were in the air...to where he had no idea but he knew he'd learn that soon enough.************************************************** ***************************The first Woman coming to pick up her car was young, White & full figured. The skinny brown boy trailing just behind her looked beaten in body & spirit. The red welts across his back & legs looked angry. Some looking fresh. When he staggered the Woman pulled on his leash bringing him to his bare knees on the hot asphalt. A kick dropped him to his back as he cried out laying on the hot surface.When the Woman bent at the waist.
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