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He wasn’t good with it and he’d lost and now he’s got to pay it back. As they say, you can squeeze blood out of a turnip so we got a get-back in trade we figure. One thing he does have plenty of is daughters, four of them from age 16 to 20. We don’t have a Maw anymore so help around the house is something. They’re being offered $20 a day credit on the debt and double if they stay overnight.They came over one at a time to be interviewed by Paw and me, Ah’m 16, and my brother Jeb is 14. We had them take off their duds and looked them over and ask questions. 16-year-old is a virgin, not too surprising, she’s kind of homely. The oldest one is married but her hubby is in jail for a while. She and the middle one seemed the best for us.The two middle ones, Cindy Sue and Becky Jo, are going to come on alternate days with both of them on Sunday afternoon after church. Their duties are pretty simple, pick up after us guys, keep the house and our clothes clean, cook up some good vittles, and. The hate and frustration I feel is mind-numbing. I loathe these people with every fibre of my being. Do I wish I was pretty and rich? Of course, I do, but I’m not, and it’s so unfair. Working so much also means my love life is pretty much non-existent. I can’t remember the last time I actually had a boyfriend or even went on a date. A fast food restaurant is hardly the best place to pick up guys either. So, when I see these other pretty girls scooping up all the decent guys, it makes me seethe. So, what do I do? Well, I hate of course. I troll them with as much venom as I can muster. Influencer after influencer gets a double-barrel of vitriol from me night after night. Vulgar comments on their photos. Criticism in their DM’s. It’s the only way I can make myself feel better and it’s clearly what they deserve. Thanks to the internet, I can do it anonymously and air my frustrations without any consequences. I actually see it as a way of bringing balance to the world. That’s my true job;.
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